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Organic Intellectuals 

"Perhaps it is worth mentioning that the way in which intellectuals define their positions in their writings largely depends on the dynamics of the ongoing historical confrontation between capital and labor. As we know from past historical experiences, evidence of greater radicalism in the labor movement , denouncing the contradictions in their lives, aggravated under the rule of capital, are followed by traditional intellectuals, who also tend to take a more combative stance.

And vice versa, when work is forced into a more defensive posture, many intellectuals become introverted, evasive, and disoriented. The lamentable tale of postmodernity offers a good illustration of this matter. But to point out this objective connection does not mean to justify its negative consequences. If we take "the responsibility of intellectuals" seriously, there could be no justification for the omission.


István Mészáros*  

* Excerpt from an interview by István Mészáros with Ivana Jinkings, for Carta Maior, 2011. 


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